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August 27, 2005 by Still Trivia

A few notes from pre-season game # 3 against the Skins:

A few notes from pre-season game # 3 against the Skins:



Awesome time at FedEx Field last night (tailgate portion) combined a tailgate with the Baltimore Fan Club.The Baltimore Fan Club has a great Stiller following and are a great bunch of guys and gals.They extended their hospitality and are a great bunch to hang out with.Special thanks to Mark for inviting us.Appreciate some posters like Stiller VA, his buddy steelers21583, MDsteeler, Zabo and others for dropping by.�� We ran into many fans that read the site, but don�t post on the boards.I wonder why?


Stillers.Com will sponsor several tailgates at various stadiums this season.As always, we�ll provide the beers and look for the banner.StillDiesel puts them on.I know for sure he is looking at doing one in San Diego this season.


FedEx Field:

I�ve had the opportunity to see several games all over the USA and I�m hoping I never return to FedEx Field.This has to be the most fan unfriendly stadium in the history of stadiums.Finding a simple parking lot turned into a two mile hike with cops and attendants with a 2nd grade education directing you.Diesel will undoubtedly have some great stories to tell getting in the parking lot.Scalpers were hard to find and I made the cardinal sin of buying tickets with out having a stadium map on me and my nose is still bleeding.The Skins fans, in general, were cool.It is easy to shut them up by saying �Who do you root for in January?�I�ve lived in the Dc Metro area for over four years now and the Skins Fans crack me up.After winning a pre-season game, their first this year, some are already making plans for the Super Bowl.Three other incidents that pissed me off:


  • I like beer.I don�t like 16 ounces for $7.I don�t recall ever being gouged that much for a beer, but Snyder makes money.Many thanks to Diesel who brought seven cases of assorted drinks to off-set the fleecing.
  • Some jag-off stole my terrible towel.I was walking with my son and this idiot grabbed my towel and ran.I had to make a split second decision, run and kill him or stick with my son.I chose the latter.
  • Mill�s Father in Law, a retired Marine Sergeant Major and Vietnam wounded Veteran, had his wallet picked in the Stadium.When he called this morning to cancel some credit cards, he already had $8,000 of charges against his cards.



I have three boys and my youngest is eight years old.Out of all three, my youngest is a Stiller fanatic, so I brought him to the game.This was his first Stiller game in person.He had a great time and can talk crap and cheer with the veterans.After the game, we went to the player entrance and were hoping to get some autographs before they boarded the busses.We caught a glimpse of Bettis and a few other players.My son was in the front against the fences with his football and autograph pen.He was getting upset that nobody was signing his ball and a lady said, �I�ll get you an autograph.�She took my son and yelled �Brian, get over here.�It was Mrs. St. Pierre and he signed my son�s ball and got rookie LB Rian Wallace to sign it as well.While the autographs aren�t Manning and JR Seau caliber, I greatly appreciate Mrs. St. Pierre for hooking my kid up.By the way, Mrs. St. Pierre is hot and a very nice lady.Mill and I saw Russ Grimm before the game.I saw the guy and it looked like him and I figured it was just a big guy with a mustache carrying a bag.Mill yells �Triv, that is Russ Grimm� and I told him he was full of shit.A guard by us told us it was in fact Grimm.


The Game:

I won�t comment that much on the game, since Mill and others will get more in depth and I was to busy trying to stop my nose bleeds from my great seats.


A few notes though:


  • I enjoyed the trick play we used last night.Throwing a four yard pass to Miller was brilliant.He now has two receptions for nine yards as a Stiller.This is excellent utilization of a #1 draft pick.
  • Ben is getting eaten alive on the boards, but I�m not that worried yet.The receiving corps is what has me concerned.Very few long routes and running short of the first down marker on their patterns.I don�t pretend to be a football expert and there are some readers on our boards that have forgotten more football than I know, but our offense and Ben is too predictable; you don�t get a decent view of this on TV, but when you are sitting in seats equal to the elevation of Pike�s Peak, your can see it easily.
  • A few will say don�t show your cards during pre-season.To some extent, I agree.You don�t do an on-sides kick in the 2nd quarter or a double reverse in the pre-season.A blitz or receivers running deeper routes is not showing your hand, it is playing football.I haven�t seen any off that, yet.Our rushing defense made Portis, Betts and Broughton look like Barry Sanders, Tony D and OJ last night.
  • Penalties.The Stillers have kept mistakes this pre-season to an all-time low.This is good news.
  • Parker is the #1 RB right now if the Bus� calf keeps him out.Duce won�t return until October.Parker is exciting and I�m eager to watch him play.Someone posted, maybe Hesske, that when Gayle Sayers was with the Bears a bunch of folks criticized him for his lack of blocking skills.Once they saw Gayle run, the Bears said �We�ll find someone else to block.�


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