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Stillers-Iggles Postgame Comments

August 15, 2005 by Still Mill

Stillers-Iggles Postgame Comments

Stillers-Iggles Postgame Comments


The first preseason game of any season is akin to watching a Chinese fire drill.Lots of motion and commotion, and a little bit of order amidst the chaos.Some comments from the 1st half, as the 2nd half became too much of a scrubeeniefest:


Defense:The defense got an inordinate amount of PT in the 1H, due to the scoring by the STs and defense.


- Wee Willie got the scoring going, picking off a hideous McFlab misfire and returning it for the easy TD on the game's 1st play.Wee Willie chipped in with some solid tackling, but got tooled a couple times in coverage, including a nearly comical 3d & 17 in which he was turned about and then slipped, easily giving up the 1st down yardage (and more) on a deep curl-out.


- 3d & 17, and the Iggles play pitch n' catch for 21 yards.Billy Cowhard's defense is already in midseason form.


- Haggans had a nice wrap and stop of Westbrook on a 1Q 3rd down screen, as did Ike Taylor later in the 2Q.


- Townsend had very sound coverage on a deep pass to Lewis that was well covered.Combined with some good tackling, DeShea pretty much has his starting job sewn up.


- Foote came in, untouched, on a couple of designed run blitzes and helped stuff the plays for negative yardage.Still, I can't help but think that, were Foote to get nicked up, he'd never regain his starting job from Jamie Harrison.


- Harrison, playing at ROLB, did little.He had a sack of sorts, but this was on a play in which the LT passed him off to a back, and Harrison was able to loop around the back and get McNabb while he was flushed.


- Stuvaints had a pitiful, weakassed whiff in run support early in the 2Q.He'll be "looking for his life's work", to quote the greatest football coach in Steeler history.


- Keisel exploded out of his stance and by a blocker on a 3d & 1, and his harassment forced a throw-away.Nice work.


Offense:Offense is always behind the defense this early in camp, and to boot, the 1st team offense got little work because of the excessive scores by the STs and defense.


- Ben Roth looked mediocre in very limited work.He got away with a dropped INT on a play in which he was flushed to the front of the pocket, and threw a hurried pass that sailed on him.


- El had a nice grab on a 3d down pass, but later in the drive, dropped a 3d down pass.


- Maddox was charged with an INT, but this was a slant pass in which Freddie Gibson allowed the ball to go through his hands and into the clutching hands of a DB that made a fine play.


- Some things never change.The "renewed emphasis on the TE" by the 1st team offense consisted of 1 catch by Heath Miller for 5 yards.Quick, be sure to add a Stiller TE to your fantasy football draft wish list.JIn scrub time, the TEs saw the ball a bit more, but we'll get more looks later in preseason as to what the 1st team offense does with its #1 draft pick.


- Starks blocked down on a left-side ground play, and Kearse slashed through and ran down the ballcarrier for a loss.I'm not sure if Starks botched the play or if his assignment was to block down relative to the alignment that presented itself.




- Colclough took an early punt to the house for a TD.This really wasn't any kind of artistic dash; Ricky simply followed a fence and then did a routine cutback once down the field.Frankly, I though Ricky looked slow -- much slower than his supposed 4.29 speed -- but he looked far faster when he hustled and escorted Taylor into the EZ on Ike's long KO return.Ike had a nice read and cut early in his jaunt, which allowed him to hit the seam for paydirt.


- Barr didn't particularly boom the ball on his punts.Gardocki's job is secure.


- Reed's KOs were solid.His 1st 3 boots went to the GL, -2, and -3.Not shabby at all.


GM:Colbert shouldn't allow the WR-depleted Eagles to depart town without taking an excess WR off the Stiller roster.Lewis and Brown had good games for Philly, but with Pinkston out and TO on the ropes of a contract squabble, Philly is desperate for some depth.Getting a 7th round pick for, say, Lee Mays, would be an outright steal by Colbert.


In all, much work to be done, just like allthe other NFL teams.We should see more, and get a better judgment on who stays and who goes, during next week's tilt.


(Still Mill and -- the only nationally read coverage on the Pittsburgh Stillers that has accurately predicted the how's and the why's of the past 4 Stiller playoff losses�.)


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