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God, Family, Steeler Football

August 31, 2004 by Swissvale72

It was Vince Lombardi who said that only three things were important in life: �God, family, football

It was Vince Lombardi who said that only three things were important in life: �God, family, football.�I believe he may have also added, �and not necessarily in that order.�Certainly when it comes down to God, family & Steeler football, well�..guess which one wins.Here�s a few personal examples of the tug-of-war between this Holy Trinity.


Saturday, September 9, 1989:I return from vacation and receive word that my 95-year old grandmother has passed away.I book a flight to Pittsburgh for the next morning, and attend my Fantasy Football draft later that evening. My brother Tony picks me up at the Pittsburgh Airport on Sunday,September 10, with the season opener a scant 5-hours away for the Bubby Brister led Pittsburgh Steelers.Nunna�s wake, though, starts at noon, and runs continuously until 9PM!!!Tony & I know what�s on each other�s mind.�Okay, how we gonna see the game.�Sacrilegiously, we enlist my Uncle Oney to bring a 13-inch B&W to the funeral home.We set it up in the back room, and watch the Steelers get pasted by the CleveBrownies, no less, 51-0.Even an atheist could have surmised that God was good & pissed off with us that day, hence the beating.


January 8, 1993, 11:59pm:My son, Anthony, is born!!But wait a minute, the Steelers kick off the divisional playoffs against the Buffalo Bills in exactly 12 hours, 31 minutes.How do I swing this??Anthony�s due to be circumcised early on Saturday�.c�mon Doc, don�t have all day�..please be careful, though, okay??Then, the in-laws show up, all smiles and full of conversation.Yeah, yeah, he�s really cute�your daughter�s tired, though, really could use some rest.Give the in-laws the bum�s rush out the hospital�.give the wife some extra medication�.me and my half-day old son settle in to watch Steeler playoff football.Can still see O�Donnell throw a pick, fumble�.can still see Richard Shelton drop a pick with a clear path to the end zone 85 yards away, and then Frank Reich throw a TD pass to James Lofton on the next play.Steelers lose (the first of Billy Cowher�s string of home playoff losses), 24-3.


December 26, 1996:The best family/football tale of all!!One for the ages!!

We�re about to drive to Pittsburgh the next day for our holiday visit.The phone rings, �Mom, why you so upset.��Your brother Anthony is ruining our holiday dinner plans, that�s why.�I�m the youngest of 4 boys, 2 of whom still live in the Burgh, with me in NH, and my brother Ronnie in Colorado.Obviously, it�s a big deal when one of us come home, and this time Mom plans a holiday dinner during my stay.Keep in mind that the two middle boys, Ron & Ralph, are half-ass fair-weather Stiller fans�.never giving a shit until the �70s, and giving less of a shit afterwards.Mom has planned the holiday dinner, though, for Sunday at 1:00pm.Only problem is, the Steelers kick off agains the Colts in the Wild Card round at 12:30pm.Tony respnse to the schedule is, �Mom, you have to change dinnertime.�Mom says, �What�s more important, Anthony, our holiday dinner, or the Steelers.�Tony says, �Don�t go there, Mom.�Mom refuses to change the time; Tony says he�s not going to any holiday dinner during a Steeler playoff game.Me�..I�m a bit more flexible.I don�t know about your family�s holidays, but our dinners involve:

a)       gluttonous amounts of food

b)       nary a word of conversation

c)       eating like pigs for 20 minutes, then retiring to the couches.

I figure that I can position my chair strategically at 1:00, and eat a ton of ravioli and meatballs while not missing a play.

Tony won�t give in though, and Mom reluctantly changes dinnertime to 6:00pm.I make out like a bandit.My ass in Three Rivers Stadium at 12:30, watching the Steelers beat the Colts�.then back to Mom�s for gluttonous amounts of food, nary a word of conversation, but no anxiety about Steelers football.The next week, Tony & I spent our longest day ever as fans, sitting through a fiasco in Foxboro Stadium.Was God pissed off again�.that we had upset our mother???He�ll get over it�..more on that day later.


Family responsibilities do sometimes conflict with Steeler football.When this happens, it�s important that we keep our priorities straight��Reschedule!!!

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